A fresh new look!

Well it’s been a long time coming but the ‘ol website finally got the face lift it DESPERATELY needed! I had this image in my mind for the last two years on how I wanted my website to look but just couldn’t seem to find what I was looking for. These were the important key values in my web design and Erin with Erin Dempsey Design was able to take my ramblings and make it into reality!

1) Clean – No clutter, no overabundance of information.
2) Simple – I despise searching for information, if I’m shopping for something specific, I want to know exactly where it’s at and the fastest way to get it!
3) FAST! I love those flashy sites, they really are beautiful, but sometimes they take forever to load and I get bored and move on to the next site, maybe I’ll come back, usually I don’t. I had a hard time with trying to decide if I wanted to go that route or not, but after trying to figure out how to mute music and waiting for pages to load I decided if I’m getting frustrated and my coffee is getting cold then it’s not for me.

After trying to explain what I had visioned to Erin I handed the reigns to her and let her work her magic. We’re still fine tuning a few items but by January this “re-birthing” should be complete!

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